Nej, för jag vill inte tänka på dig och jag vill inte vara omringad av ett hav av känslor. Ett hav som är gjort av mina känslor för dig. Att det skulle bli så här, tänka sig, att vi skulle träffas igen och försonas vid det tillfälle då explosiviteten är som mest påtaglig. Kan liksom känna av hur dina tankar om mig sätter vibrationer genom hela min kropp, för mig närmare mot dig, så nära att jag står precis framför dig och endast våra tår gör det omöjligt för oss att förenas. Så har det väl alltid varit under de år då vi haft våra sporadiska möten. Vi båda vet att vi inte kan gå längre även om vi skulle vilja fara till stjärnorna tillsammans. Men motståndskraften går inte att smula sönder, och det är vi som har konstruerat den, byggt upp den tillsammans. Vi båda vet hur den funkar och vill därför inte riskera att tillföra den instabilitet som ibland kan ta form då man utför ogenomtänkta gärningar. Och det är just denna kraft som för oss samman, utan motståndet hade vi aldrig stått kvar på samma ställe som vi gör nu, med våra tåspetsar snuddandes vid varandra.
"Him standing in front of the red horizon reminiscent of God himself. My vigilance got denser and I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He was the definition of perfection. Flawless. I wanted to breath through his lungs, feel his puls beating against my chest. I wanted to unite with him. Make us to a new unity beyond kilometers and miles."
känner att det flippar ur
"Deceive me once and I will never take you back. I will shut you out of my life, simply close the door and never let you in. You don't want that to happen, right?"
"Bitch, please."
"Do not ever use those 9gag quotes on me again. Do it one more time and I will turn and go."
"You don't say."
skriver lite
"I knew this ease was momentarily. All of a sudden she would jilt me. Turn the back on me. Pretend I was not a part of her, which I was, in fact, I was the most valuable thing she owned. All her radiated hate passed through my body and it made my nerves vibrate. The inside of me was vibrating so dramatically that the already formed needles inside me punched parts of my soul, the part where all the memories from our once most exquisite moments had gathered up. But this was soon to be completely broken. Denatured. Impossible to fix.
My feelings were a pure flurry. Hopelessly undistinguishable. I couldn't tell if it was envy or sorrow, lonesomeness or the approaching feeling of capitulation, that was forming the constant agony I had to carry with me. Maybe it was better to surrender. Leave everything behind and just go off. The only problem was that she was my everything."
Har börjat på en novell
"She shrugged and looked down on her shoes, miffed. The thought of having her mother standing in front of her spiting out words that mothers like her should never use made her feel worthless, dirty, obnoxious - Not someone that should keep on living its life. What scared Mini the most was that her mother expressed everything with such an eloquence seeming all this have been thought through for a long time. Her ugly language brought such a succinctness that was sucked up by my soul. My now cracked soul. The ability to talk had run away from me, was hiding deep inside me, under all the accumulated sorrow provided by her mother."
Okey guys, here's the thing.. I've changed blog once again. Follow me on tumblr: www.123eternity.tumblr.com
get over here ey?

I want you, you and you!Yesterday I met up Tina for a quick coffee. My plan was to meet up with Mathilda but considering to all homeworks it got a bit compact. Anyways, we studied together. Then I fell a sleep without taking off my make up. I woke up looking like a goth. Then we had some breakfast and then I fell a sleep again. Productive. I have to wipe my eyes and say hi to my books once again.
I love IB
my blood is boiling under my skin
can't sleep because of you being so unconscious of your subliminal
As true as it's written
This is my friend. Her name is Malin and she is one of the most wonderful individuals I know. Yesterday when we laid on the top of the hill underneath the starts (ok, there weren't any stars I just want it to seem more romantic.. Gayness' on top) and talked about everything on earth and things in between I realized how valuable friendship is. Nothing can really replace it. Nothing can replace it.
when it was the end of summer i actually started to look forward to the autumn but today when it started to rain and my computer got wet i totally changed my opinion. fuck autumn.
Ok. I'll summarize a post about my last days. I've been to school, I had a few people in my mother's extra apartment (Like an investment or something) because it's been empty for half a year now. Anyways... I wanted to take advantage of this so me and Malin decided to invite people. It was perfectly good before... dam dam dam... My parents entered and got a bit chocked. But it doesn't really matter. They seemed quite calm with it after a couple of hours. Or maybe they just forgot about it? A little senile maybe? I mean... My mother has turned 53! I classify her as an oldie (nie muw mamie rze ja to mowilam) I just told my polish relatives that don't say it to her. Weeelllll....... I've been to the library with some people from my class and we didn't study as much as was expected. Today I had a coke with Tina at Burger King (omg....) Then I had to meet up Andrea in town and we had some greek lunch outside which showed up was a bad idea since my sandwich got taken by the wind. Bye 80 kronor.... What else? Hm.... On friday there's like a party called "MBEF-kickoff something something". Fun. Now I'm almost dying dint have the power to either spell or set out dots correctly see jo tomowroe majbi se you (I overdid it) bye. Bye.
almost midnight
I should be sleeping, but I can't. There's too much to think of. Today I woke up at nine, had some breakfast outside in the sun (feels like it's summer again) or at least late spring. Or maybe just early autumn. I was at the library at eleven, did some history, french, physics and swedish. Productive hell yeah. Then I met up Malin for coffee. We talked and planned for friday. I really need to have a deep talk with my mom tomorrow, some serious thangs bro'. I hope I see the one I want to see tomorrow at school. I really do. I will. I do it almost every day so what's the risk I won't do it tomorrow? Bye for now
I went to the church with all my relatives, sang songs and prayed while people cried. I didn't cry, strangely enough... Maybe because I was mentally prepared, I don't know... I'm going down to watch some football with my dad now. Nighty!
I just finished my raspberry-smoothie. AND I had some dark chocolate beside. Bad conscience? Yeah, a little. It sucks that I can't go to the gym since I'm sick.. Yeah yeah... Uhm, today we had this intro and it was comme ci comme ca. Tomorrow I'm going the funeral and now I'm going to sleep, night