good evening dear friends
Today I left home at half past seven and arrived half past six. It started with French and ended up with P.E. We had some frisbee-games. Couldn't find a point doing it. Then it rained as well. That made it even more meaningless. Afterwards me and Caroline went to the library for some discussions about cultural studies. It seemed like a bit of a drag from the beginning but it actually got more and more interesting. Caroline had to go home, so I sat there all alone doing some Swedish and Maths while drinking coffee. It was actually quite peaceful. Right now I'm planning what to wear for tomorrow for the introduction. "Hippie" is the theme. Well, at least I know I'm going to have pink lipstick. Totally faaaaaab.
eléonore ♥
I should be sleeping right now since I'm going up half past six tomorrow. Sadly enough that isn't even early in comparison with the other students in my class. There's for example one who is taking the train from Svalöv. I really admire her. Today we had motivational/inspirational talk in the aula for three hours. Felt really dizzy afterwards, but that was not enough, we had one hour talk about google apps. I didn't really catch that, but it's like a system that will provide ease according to our studies etc etc. I actually enjoyed the 3-hours long talk. It was about basic steps to accomplish by putting effort to your studying. Isn't that basic as it seems though. What else... I went to the gym yesterday and spent almost two hours with physical struggling. Went to the gym today after school as well. Another two hours. I'm almost there again. At least I'm back on track. When I came home I had supper and then my phone rang and guess who it was?!?!??! It was ELÈONORE! She was my best friend in Oxford and we talked about almost everything. I'm thinking of going to visit her in Paris during the autumn-break. I just have to convince my parents to not taking me with them to Dubai. But at the same time I really miss Dubai. I love that city. I want to live there. Yeah... My schedule has changed and I don't like it. Well, there's one good thing... We'll have two sleep-ins instead of one. Doesn't affect it that much anyways... Now I have to finish my cup of tea and then brush my teeth. Bye for now.
pablo diablo
I just woke up. Thinking of going to the gym. It was long time ago since I've been really wet because of sweat. Uhm... Maybe it's time for breakfast. Think so. By the way, I've got much inspiration but I've got zero motivation to take pictures of outfits, new clothes and stuff. Just so you know. It doesn't affect you much but I just want to tell you.
I hate being left alone surrounded by thoughts that never really existed before
Why the hell am I lying in my bed, listening to Your Hand In Mine with Colour Explosi
ons, while the rain is pattering against the window? It makes the thoughts of capitulateng show up. It makes me consider if my choices were the right choices. See, I'm fed up with this even though I've just been thinking of it for roughly two hours. Maybe I get so exhausted because of its amount? What if I've been collecting regrets made by unconsidered conclusions? Therefore they show up at the same time and cause chaos in my head. Your Hand In Mine has finished.
sheelaaa sheelaa sheela my name is sheeeelaaaaaa
I miss these persons the most... I spent most of my time with them when I was in Oxford on a language travel. We used to sing a song called "My name is Sheela" I think it's Indian or Pakistani
well hello
Yeah... It was long time ago I updated my blog. Just be aware of that I'll start posting in English again. Reason: My cousins in Australia, Italy and Poland asked my parents to ask me if I could keep them updated about my life, so that's why. I don't really know why the polish relatives want me to write in English since they're got the worst English ever, (przeprazcem bardzo ale to jest prawda!). Okey... I've started at a school called Malmö Borgarskola, so far it seems good. My class is quite cool even though there are a few weirdos. For example Andy who suggested that we could be disguised as headless people at the introduction. In fact I'm not better so I can't accuse him for being bizarre since I came up with the suggestion "unicorns". Fun. What else... Today I had a coffee in town with Alma in my class, then she had to take the bus home so I was left alone in town walking around with my backpack, I felt a bit like a nerd. Later on my father picked me up. They stormed me with question about school and studying and so on. I didn't answered properly since I listened to music from my headphones, hehe hoho heeho. When I arrived home I had dinner with my family and my brother talked about her girlfriend. It feels really weird! Imagine, he finally grew up! Now he is a mature man!!!!(!!!!!!!!) After dinner I decided to study physics, drink tea and listen to Jose Gonzales. Peaceful. Tomorrow I'm going to fix a few things according to the new gym I'm going to. And then I'll meet lovely Malin! In the evening it's time for Malmöfestivalen - Maskinen and Den Svenska Björnstammen with the best people I know.
By the way
My mom has coloured her hair red
nu gör vi det som.... beeennnaaaaazzzzzz
Julia och jag skypar. Julia badar och har lyckats spilla ut vatten i hela badrummet. Hon lyssnar på Vart jag mig än i världen bla bla ja ni vet den. Hon tror att vi har allsång men jag sjunger inte med... Undrar om hon märker nåt. Hon sjunger väldigt fint o kraftfullt iaf.
long time no see
Jaha jaså jaha, här möts vi igen. Efter att ha spenderat tre underbara veckor i Oxford med helt fantastiska människor från hela världen känner jag mig lite som en ny människa. Variationen på folket var så bred, jag träffade alla möjliga från Javier som har konsten att klappa jättefort och somna över allt (ståendes, sittandes på bussar och ätandes på restauranger) till Eléonore som pratar engelska med en underbart charmig fransk accent. I början kände jag motvillighetens knuffar i ryggen, men efter att ha kommit dit kändes allt så klockrent. "Det är så här det är att leva" tänkte jag innan jag somnade i min provisoriska säng som luktade indiska kryddor.
Bara några dagar efter åkte jag till Italien med min familj. Spenderade två veckor på Sardinien. Maten var ljuvlig, folket var fullt av liv och vädret var supér - som alltid.
Nu ska jag ägna all min tid åt mina älskade vänner som jag har saknat så mycket.